Monday, August 27, 2012

Sad brown eyes

I look into the mirror -
And this is what I see:
A pair of sad brown eyes,
That look forlornly back at me...
 It's still the same pair of eyes -
That I used to see:
But gone is the glow, the starry look,
Gone the twinkle, in those sad brown eyes... And my heart bleeds as I look at those sad brown eyes -
Sad brown eyes that speak of the troubles of the world...

Last night

Last night my heart was heavy -
I was very, very sad:
Yet another classmate had silently left us - Sweet, demure Dahlia Harun from TBSS days...
 Suat Ngoh, Seok Young, Lian Lee, 
We'll never again get to see...
It was goodbye, at our 1st Gathering, to Soon Yew -
For he did not make it to the next, on his birthday...
 So, though life is fragile, and friends are getting few -
We'll treasure each other, for as long as we can, me and you...

When life is an uphill trudge

I've always believed in Fate and Destiny - And thanked God for all my blessings...
I've never doubted that we reap what we sow -
Hence I've always tried to touch a heart, help a soul...
 But sometimes, I do feel sad, and disheartened -
When others fret, and things don't work out well...
Sometimes I do feel it's not even my fault - That others hold a different yardstick, judging differently...
 But I'll take heed that one Man's meat is another's poison -
And remember to cover every teardrop with a brave smile...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Just taking a good look at life

Life has its ups and downs -
Its summer days and its fall...
For with every ride on Cloud 9 -
There's bound to be a tumble and a fall... For each time I find my life a bed of roses - Then trouble is lurking just a few steps behind...
Each time I am placed on the pedestal -
I'm also prepared for the great fall...
So I'll take everything that comes along - Life's sunny days and rainy days, too...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Life has its hiccups

Life has its ups and downs -
So we have to know when to laugh and clown...
Life has its sunshine days and days of murky clouds -
So we have to accept those lashings and those frowns...
 I've been looking at life from the bright side -
Willing myself never to despair...
Though sunny days have dark clouds hovering nearby -
I'll just take each in my stride, as they come by...
So I'll not be daunted, nor be persuaded to let go -
For the shattered dream would cut deep into his heart, not just mine...

"No one can go back and start a new beginning but anyone can start today to make a new ending"

No, it's true that we can never go back in time -
To start on a new beginning...
But we can decide to stop, and think, today - And start to make a new ending...
For whatever happens in the past, is irreversible  -
As it has already passed, and become history...
Whatever will happen in the future, is not ours to worry -
Till we've learnt to look into the future, or stepped into that mystery...
So I'll just live for the present, so I'll have no regrets -
When it becomes the past; and welcome the future, for come it must...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

God sets the plan

Yes, that's I feel:
That God plans everything,
Big and small - 
And sends Destiny to make all happen...
For I feel that He watches over all of us - With the love of a parent for his children... And He plans for our past, present and future -
And sets Destiny to carry out those plans... So I believe that whatever happens to us, Has His knowledge, His consent, and His blessings...

Life is too good to be sad

Yes, life is too good to feel sad -
Or to even fret,
For after all the sunshine there's bound to be some rain -
Or stormy weather...
So just let the rains come -
And even the stormy weather,
For I'll not feel sad, or even fret -
Coz life is too good, and too short, to fret... So I'll thank God for His love and kind thoughts -
And take the sunshine together with the rain...

Just give me a day of your life...

Just give me a day of your life -
That's all I will ask for: just one day...
For I feel a great deal can be achieved -
If I could have just one day like today...
For when one is given just one day -
One will surely treasure every moment... One will make every passing minute count - And savour every moment of the 24 hours... So I'll just ask to be given one precious day, today -
And then ask to be given the same - one day - tomorrow...

Just let me be me...

You can be you - or anyone else you fancy - But i implore you to just let me be me...
For to tie me down and mould me into someone like you -
Would just be like keeping a caged bird to slowly die...
For I would love to be able to run free -
Do the things I love and see the beauty around me...
I would love to be able to rise with the morning sun -
And to go to bed  when the owl hoots, and the crickets sing...
So just let me be me - not your double, or someone else's twin -
For I would not want to be anyone else but simple old me...

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever..."

Yes, a thing of beauty brings joy to the world -
And we would not be tired of looking at it forever...
For even when the beauty is gone from sight -
We would have it stashed away in our memory forever...
A sunrise or sunset brings joy to my heart - So do blue skies and fluffy white clouds, and birds in the trees...
I love to study the gray clouds as they churn up a storm -
And love to see colourful umbrellas come up as the raindrops fall...
 Yes, we will find joy in our heart everyday of our life -
If we would only pause, and take a look at the beauty around us...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

"A friend in need, is a friend indeed"

Yes, i do feel it's true:
that one will know who is one's true friend
only when one is in trouble,
and he or she is put to the test
of choosing between staying on to help
and absconding far and wide...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

"If you go away..."

If you go away - as I know you will have to - 
You will not have to see me shed a single tear...
For i know you care - to see tear drops you can't bear -
And i know your love will bring you back to me...

"But if you stay - I'll make you a day -"
Like those days have been...
For whenever we are together -
Life seems to have heavenly wings...

Everything does seem to be so lovely -
And life does seem to be so wonderful...

No snowdrops nor daffodils

No, there were no snow drops anywhere - 
Nor were there any daffodils where we went...
But we love the sunshine, the clear blue skies -
The rolling waves, and sandy beaches to run free...

And there is this beautiful place, up on a hill -
Where the view is beautiful, where green trees abound, still...
Pure white buildings, with balconies for a Jack to meet a Jill -
And a winding hedge that snakes its way below the window sill...

A hot bath with water from a hot spring, a mountain trek -
And an impressive show of lights add up to our memories...

The sea... The sand... And the memories

I could feel my heart swell with immense love -
At sight of these: the sea... The sand... 
The sky... The land... And my camera at hand -
Making memories to last our lifetime...

I remember beauty in everything I see:
The clouds, the trees... The birds, the bees...
I remember the smiles... And the laughter-
And the twinkle in a pair of sad brown eyes...

And memories of the sea... The sand... The sky... The land -
All bring inexpressible contentment to me...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

On a hot day like this

It's scorching hot, no doubts about that -
But my heart is still light and my spirits undaunted...
For knowing that I am loved and someone cares - 
Takes all the frets away and makes all the difference...

Sitting here all alone, in the scorching heat -
I watch the world at it's busiest peak...
Sitting here in my own little corner -
Listening to the whirring of the fan...

It's good to have time on your hands, sometimes -
Just to think things over, just to play back memorable events...

Hope for the day

I will not give up hoping to see the sun - 
Even if dark clouds threaten, like today...
I will wait, patiently, for him to show up -
Coz I know he would, by and by, be here...

And I was right in not giving up -
Nor in letting moody thoughts take over...
For deep down I know that God cares -
And He would not let me wait in vain...

So I am happy as a lark again today - singing, free:
Saw the sun when he awakes, and see him off to bed...

Yet another beautiful day

Today, surprisingly is yet another beautiful day - 
Full of beautiful surprises, one after another...!
Just when I've resigned myself to accept the fact -
That all good things must come to an inevitable end...

Everyone loves surprises, and I am no exception - 
For who would not find it easy to smile when dealt
With one unexpected big surprise after another - 
One after another in unexpected succession...!

So now I do come to understand the look of immense pleasure -
When I spring little surprises on friends who had crossed my path...

One beautiful day after another

I rejoice in taking life -
One beautiful day after another...
For I love to savour the flavours of each day - 
Slowly, one beautiful day after another...

For life is full of interesting surprises -
That captivates and stays in my heart:
Meeting a long-lost friend from the past,
Visiting long-lost places, tasting long-forgotten delicacies...

So my heart wants to sing of beautiful things - 
Seen and tried, one beautiful day after another...

Thank you, God, for today

I would like to be able to say this,
Each and every day as it comes:
Thank You God, for today -
Thank You for another chance to live and play...

Thank You for another day, my work to display -
 My feelings to pour out, some sad eyes to make smile...
Thank You for all Your favours, great or small -
That You've showered on me, my love and all...

And I would like to say this, once and for always:
Thank You God for Your love and the love You have given me...

Today is another beautiful day

Today is like yesterday: another beautiful day - 
Another chance to look at the things i love, with joy...
For today, like yesterday, is given to us to enjoy -
God gives us each day to feel a loving touch, and to touch feelings...
To look up at the clear blue sky and see sad brown eyes smiling -
Intoxicating roses and aromatic senses to smell, 
Appetizing dishes to taste, and to savour them all,
Sweet music and lovely songs to listen to, and to hear them all...

To stand tall, mesmerized, on a fluffy white cloud as it sails by -
And to gasp in awe, at all His beautiful creations, big and small...


Today is a beautiful day I feel
Not because of anything that I've done
Nor anything that I've gained or earned
But today is just beautiful coz you are there....

Life may have its ups and downs -
And mine is no exception...
But today is made special -
Coz you are there to make it so...

So just give me any day and it'll be the most special -
So long as I can share it with you...


Happiness is many things to many people -
But to me it is a simple day like yesterday and today...
For it is not how much one gets out of each day, how much achieved -
But how one spends the day that brings untold joy to the heart...

For me, happiness is as simple as spending a day in the park -
Or taking a stroll along the beach at sunrise or sunset...
Cooking a simple meal for hungry mouths with a loved one -
Or sharing a joke and a chat over coffee with friends...

I am elated at the prospect of a long drive through the countryside -
And find immense joy at discovering old sights and old places...
I rejoice in being able to see and touch and hear, smell and taste -
All the beautiful little things and creeping crawling creatures...

So, dear God, let me live a few years longer -
That I may sing praises of Thy majestic creation...
That I may humbly sing praises of Thy wonderful creatures -
And that I may feel Thy presence all around me...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Calling

I have this urge to lend a helping hand -
And lately the urge is getting ever stronger...
I would like to bring joy to the less fortunate, 
the old, the homeless, the needy and the sick...
And bring some cheer to innocent young hearts -
So that they may rejoice in the joy of being loved...

For I can imagine how really, really lonely life can get -
When one is old and sick and penniless and alone...
And I can understand how one must have wished at one point or other -
That someone would show a little kindness and care...
And I feel that life is too short and time too precious - 
To just while away - waiting for things to happen...

Waiting for others to make that first starting move -
Waiting for that one fine day to come rolling by...