A puff of white cloud that sails by,
or gray, heavy rain clouds hovering nearby;
a dew drop on a blade of grass,
or a little rose bud waiting to bloom;
a patch of yellow buttercups amidst the dust,
or a little toadstool amongst the grass;
a sea of love grass making waves in the wind,
or a tattered scarecrow standing guard in a paddy field;
a little caterpillar on a juicy half-eaten leaf,
or a pretty fluttering butterfly flitting past;
these are the little, little things in life -
to make the world go round, be there, they must ...
and these are the little, little things in life -
that makes my world so colourful and so bright!
So, i'll tell this to you, my friend:
if you wish to see me -
you'll know where to find me (you must!)
for i'll be just where i like to be:
standing there, watching the birds and the bees,
or having a picnic under the shady trees...
i will be there to rouse the sun,
and then be there on the beach -
to await each sunrise, each dawn...
and if it rains:
i'll be by the window,
looking out at the rain;
or knitting on the swing -
if i have a little white patio..
You'll know where to find me,
my dear, dear friend...
...and these are the little things in life that i love, and will miss if i were blind, or have to leave this world that i've grown to love...
ReplyDelete... and all the beautiful people that i'll miss...