It has been there for over a decade -
in an obscure corner of the school...
how many noticed it, i wonder?
only but a few, i should say;
for those in the open -
along the corridors of many,
along the walks of fame,
have been many times painted over,
save for this one:
'A painting can paint a thousand words'...
Clearly it had escaped the eyes of many -
lying unobstrusively high up on the back wall;
it is for this reason i feel,
that it has remained, untouched,
by the brushes and rushes of progress;
while 'A friend is a gift i give myself' is still there,
'A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step'
the little garden of gay tulips,
dancing behind a picket fence
or the sign that says:
'Your complaints tell us,
your compliments tell others'
and the graph of a walkathon collection,
framed by creepers and smiling roses...,
that i love so well,
are all gone -
have all long been wiped off,
with one sweep of the brush,
and painted over,
by the hands of progress...!
So, what is still left standing,
is this handwriting, on one insignificant wall:
'A painting can paint a thousand words ...'-
so, why can't i paint you...?
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