I'm a living, breathing, thinking, feeling individual -
a friend to all those i call 'friend',
and a close companion to all my sisters;
i'm an elder to my nephews and nieces -
besides being a mother to my own daughter,
and also a teacher to all my students...
It's a role too many, sometimes i feel -
to be juggling all these responsibilities,
and to be a wife and home-maker, too;
but at times i feel truly blessed -
that so many have touched my life,
and given me the chance to touch theirs...
But there is this nagging feeling,
of having to draw the line -
(and yet feeling doubtful about it)
right where it is best for everyone,
right where it is fair, and just -
and also just the right thing to do...
I'm trying to be wise in my judgement -
and fair to all, by doing the best i can...
i have tried to teach discipline in a different way:
by being approachable, and caring, and loving,
and by always being there for them -
i hope they would one day understand...
That what is right for us -
may not be right for everyone;
and what is true for the majority -
may not be so, for the minority;
what is fair and just for us -
may, at times, be just as unjust and just as unfair...
So, who are we to make the decisions for others -
with the excuse that 'it is for their own good'?
who are we to be judgemental, and execute the lore -
when we, ourselves, are far from being perfect?
who can say for sure what is right or wrong -
save the one who is involved, who has a feeling strong?
So, as i've preached, that i now teach:
be cool, be smart, be just, and be strong,
make your own decisions on whatever it is that matters -
if your thoughts are clear, and your feelings are strong,
then you'll not have to point an accusing finger -
when things, unfortunately, did go wrong ...