Loneliness is what i feel -
sitting on the steps all, all alone...
loneliness is the word to describe this lonely feeling -
of being left all alone, being forgotten by the world...
Loneliness is not a nice feeling -
for it tells me that i'm here all alone...
i'm here, upstairs - and all three gates are securely locked -
trapped, and forgotten, and left alone, on a Saturday afternoon...
So, while others are merry making at a wedding feast -
i have only the birds to talk to, my only jovial company...
to think that there are creatures in this world -
who are oblivious to others' comforts, save their own,
makes me sad and angry but then i looked up and what i saw
makes me smile again, and fill my heart with love again...
For i believe there is hope for every one -
no matter how slim the chance of recovery...
no matter how bleak the future may seem -
i believe that God is there, and He takes care of things...
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