Monday, August 27, 2012

Sad brown eyes

I look into the mirror -
And this is what I see:
A pair of sad brown eyes,
That look forlornly back at me...
 It's still the same pair of eyes -
That I used to see:
But gone is the glow, the starry look,
Gone the twinkle, in those sad brown eyes... And my heart bleeds as I look at those sad brown eyes -
Sad brown eyes that speak of the troubles of the world...

Last night

Last night my heart was heavy -
I was very, very sad:
Yet another classmate had silently left us - Sweet, demure Dahlia Harun from TBSS days...
 Suat Ngoh, Seok Young, Lian Lee, 
We'll never again get to see...
It was goodbye, at our 1st Gathering, to Soon Yew -
For he did not make it to the next, on his birthday...
 So, though life is fragile, and friends are getting few -
We'll treasure each other, for as long as we can, me and you...

When life is an uphill trudge

I've always believed in Fate and Destiny - And thanked God for all my blessings...
I've never doubted that we reap what we sow -
Hence I've always tried to touch a heart, help a soul...
 But sometimes, I do feel sad, and disheartened -
When others fret, and things don't work out well...
Sometimes I do feel it's not even my fault - That others hold a different yardstick, judging differently...
 But I'll take heed that one Man's meat is another's poison -
And remember to cover every teardrop with a brave smile...