Yes, i've finally thought things out -
that i will strive to be happy every single day
that i will no longer over my troubles mope -
for life is so short, more so when one is fifty-eight...
So, dear friends, you'll never find me without my broadest smile -
ready to greet the day, each and every day of my life...
you'll never find me angry, or in tears, no, not anymore -
for i've learnt to be wise - to spend my last years being happy...
for time heals, and wounded hearts are also sealed -
so i'll be happy - even broken hearts will one day be whole again...
I've thought, and thought for so, so, long -
and have finally decided: i'll live life the way i love to...
i'll admire the sunrise, each and every day -
and walk barefoot on the beach, whenever there's a need to...
for life is so sweet, yet so short - it'll be over in a jiffy -
so i'll live life to the fullest today - for tomorrow may never be...
As my life on earth is numbered: i've finally reached that last quarter -
there is no turning back the clock, no time for regrets, or restarts...
i'm on my own, struggling to make the most of my time, and my life -
for it will be my last struggle, my last effort, to achieve whatever's lacking...
So, dear God, help me to strive on, without wavering -
this most difficult last effort, the last lap of my run...
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