I don't need castles made of marble -
a small wooden house would do for me...
i don't need to be at Beverly Hills -
but a house overlooking the sea and sunrise,
or a view of green hills and paddy fields -
that would also be paradise for me...
I don't need expensive holidays and posh hotels -
a simple place any where for a change will be welcome...
i don't fancy exotic meals in classy restaurants -
a simple meal of ulam and sambal belacan is delicious to me...
i don't need a chauffeur or a maid to run errands at my whims -
coz i'm a simple girl - and need not have someone at my beck and call...
I just want to have some time to look around -
some time to admire the beauty of nature waiting to be noticed...
some time to smell the pretty rose in the garden, or the wayward reed...
some time to watch the birds and the bees, the beetles and the ants...
some time to look at white clouds sailing in the sky, or raindrops on a leaf -
just give me some time to do all these little, little things in life...
For i can do without a lot of luxurious things in life -
but love is the only thing i hope to keep with me all my life...
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