Sunday, January 23, 2011

"You are the wind beneath my wings"

You gave me that lift -
a whiff, to help me over the stile...
you gave me a little nudge -
a little push, when i stalled along the path..
you gave me hope -
when i was flickering, waiting to be snuffed, and blown out...
you gave my confidence a big boost -
when i was all dented and deflated...

You did all these , when i needed a friend -
when i needed someone to believe in me,
and all i could do, greater things achieve...
you made me believe in myself -
the things i can do,
the things i can achieve...

You did all these for me -
especially for me, i would like to think...


  1. May this "encourager" be the inspirational person in your life, walking with you down the road for many many more years to come even through thick or thin. Going the extra mile, committed, scarificing the time and being unselfish placing others more important than her/himself. When you have opened the window of your life to share the happiness or saddness or when feeling blue, may she/he be there to lend the shoulder and with an attentive ears even to wipe away those tears slow to speak but quick to listen even if this requires in absolute silence. May you soar high with winds beneath the wings and have the full confidence that you will have the support from the "encourager". Another lovely song.

  2. By now you would have guessed: this is also one of the favourite of the favourites... I think all of us have someone (or a few someones) who inspires and gives hope: someone who makes us feel we are so special (even when we are not) someone whose influence is so great that the mere thought of him (or her, of course) is enough to make life worth living again...?

  3. I like this:

    "A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg - even when you are half-cracked..."
