Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Happiness is many things to many people -
But to me it is a simple day like yesterday and today...
For it is not how much one gets out of each day, how much achieved -
But how one spends the day that brings untold joy to the heart...

For me, happiness is as simple as spending a day in the park -
Or taking a stroll along the beach at sunrise or sunset...
Cooking a simple meal for hungry mouths with a loved one -
Or sharing a joke and a chat over coffee with friends...

I am elated at the prospect of a long drive through the countryside -
And find immense joy at discovering old sights and old places...
I rejoice in being able to see and touch and hear, smell and taste -
All the beautiful little things and creeping crawling creatures...

So, dear God, let me live a few years longer -
That I may sing praises of Thy majestic creation...
That I may humbly sing praises of Thy wonderful creatures -
And that I may feel Thy presence all around me...

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