Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Life as i see it

When i was young, inexperienced and lacking confidence -
a child's life seemed to be such a great problem to solve,
then as i grew up, awkward and shy and self-conscious -
a teenager's life seemed to be worse: more problems still...!
as i grew into my twenties, life seemed to be full of adventure -
new things to learn, new skills to acquire, a brand new career, marriage...
one would think that things would tone down and stabilise in the 30s and 40s -
but no, life is still full of new things, filled with all kinds of changes...
from KBSM to ETeMS, from a junior teacher to a senior one... a panel head -
from a course participant to facilitator... from being a back-bencher to the speaker...
even in ones 50s, life is not a bed of roses but a battlefield of greater challenges -
a test of ones confidence and capability: to handle things with logic and reasoning,
not just emotions and feelings... to express ones opinion and face objections objectively -
to stand firmly against the whole wide world, and defend ones beliefs to the very end...

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