Monday, April 11, 2011

"If ever you are lost and all alone,"

I've heard this line before, a long, long time ago:
"If you're lost and all alone - fear not -
just get back on the road, and think of me,
my love will get you home, girl -
my love will get you home..."

So whenever i'm lost, or in trouble -
whenever i need to pour out my heart,
whenever i need a listening ear -
i have the comfort of having you near...

I would drag myself home to you -
whenever there's a need, like now:
whenever i feel a tear threatening to flow down,
whenever i feel my heavy heart wants to break down...

For i know that you'll be patiently waiting -
with open arms - to hold me to your breast;
your casuarinas swaying in the breeze -
so, too, your coconut palms;
and they are like a healing balm -
that lightens my heart,
that brushes away my tears,
and chase away all my fears...

And when i look at the sunrise over your horizon -
and the thousands of diamonds, shimmering on your waves,
i can't help but stand mesmerised, and gasp in wonder -
and it brightens up my day,
and lightens each footstep -
as it spreads out my smile...

So, i will always heed your call -
whenever i feel lost and all alone,
i'll run home to you, and be healed -
by your soothing sounds and clear blue skies...

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