Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Beautiful Heart, A Beautiful Mind

A beautiful heart, will nourish a beautiful mind
and beautiful thoughts will always come to mind...
for a beautiful heart is what it takes
to create beautiful thoughts and beautiful ideas...

A beautiful heart will feel for you
and sense it when you are suffering so,
for though you keep it well-hidden from the world
a beautiful heart will see through all the fake smiles

And it takes a beautiful heart to understand -
that in trying to be magnanimous and protect others
you are eating away your heart and your mind -
and though you may laugh it off and say you don't mind,
your suffering heart will be doubly felt
by a beautiful heart that cries for you...

So, my friend, do take heed:
if, and whenever, there is a need -
whenever you have to suffer:
you will never have to suffer alone -

Take comfort in the knowledge that
a beautiful heart always suffers with you ...


  1. The writer indeed has a beautiful heart and also with a wonderful and a big heart. You even have a heart which is able to see, hear and feel. You would even take the extra mile to sacrifice for others too. I am sure your friend will be always tapping on your door whenever there is a need. Your friend knows that you have a beautiful heart which nourishes a beautiful mind and with the beautiful thoughts.

  2. Whatever that becomes of us as an individual is to a large extent influenced by our surroundings - ie. the people around us will help shape our minds...

    So, beautiful or not - you, too, have a part in shaping that piece of art, with your advice and encouragement, you sympathy and emphathy.

  3. A beautiful heart is like a beautiful fruit
    that grows on a beautiful tree,
    in a beautiful garden ...

    A beautiful mind is akin to that beautiful heart
    for it springs from that same beautiful heart:
    and is filled with beautiful thoughts...

    A beautiful thought then has all the beautiful things
    for it exudes a beautiful scent of beautiful flowers
    that spring from a beautiful heart and a beautiful mind...

  4. Hope you are beautifully confused into dreaming beautiful dreams of high hopes and heavenly joy;
    of a beautiful experience in late life...

    Hope you are beautifully at ease and at peace
    with the beautiful world - your beautiful world;
    for a beautiful future with beautiful people around you...

    And lastly, hope you will always stay beautiful
    in that beautiful way you handle things -
    and that most beautiful way you treat people...

  5. And i pray to God that beautiful people like you
    will find beautiful people to love and care for;

    And i urge God to always see to your needs
    in the most beautiful way possible...

    For it takes a beautiful heart like yours
    to understand others and make them happy;

    It takes the beautiful mind of yours
    to want to help the underprivileged and the needy;

    And it is the beautiful thoughts that you have for others
    that has placed you above all the rest: a gallant hero without his white steed;

    And it is this beautiful heroic act of caring and giving
    that had moved all the mountains in your way...

    It is what you have done so beautifully that has moved God
    into showing you the path to happiness, and the fulfillment of all your beautiful dreams...
