Monday, February 7, 2011

"Summer Kisses, Winter Tears"

"Summer kisses, winter tears"...
is no girl's dream -
you needn't say you love her -
a thousand times over;
she'll know when she's loved,
through all the tender loving care...

be she seventeen,
or ninety-seven -
she'll want to know that she is missed,
and that too much coffee is bad
for her health, (tho' she already knows -
it's different to know someone cares)...
and that she should just eat a little -
even if she had lost her appetite...
she'll still want to feel she's special,
she'll still need some tender loving care...
whether she is sweet seventeen -
or toothless and wrinkled, at ninety-seven:

she's still a woman -
and every woman needs some tender loving care...


  1. Generally this is how someone who cares. Man's(human being) natural instinct is to proctect and show tender loving care. Even going the extra mile to provide food on the table if he/she is able. Never would he/she desires for the love one to go through suffering and hardship if he/she is able.
    You can be sure that you deserved the tender loving care from the one who loves and treasure you...

  2. How comforting! Yes, every girl wants to feel she's special, and that she's loved... and everyone wants to be pampered a little, even if she's an old granny (perhaps even more so -'coz old grannies get forgotten and left on the shelf...), just to feel that people still care if she's happy or sad..., and whether she lives or dies...

  3. ... and it would be all the more special if the tender loving care were to come from the one she loves... then at least she won't feel forgotten, unappreciated - left to wither and die aone, on the shelf...

  4. ... and that feeling of being left alone, to wither and die on the shelf, is a very, very lonely feeling indeed...!
