Friday, February 11, 2011

"It's Destiny's Game"

It was meant as a casual meeting -
a get-together, among old friends...
But i suppose it's "Destiny's Game" -
when cupid happened to pass by,
and "when love finally came" -
so suddenly... out of the blues...

I've searched my heart,
and asked myself
many a time over:
why me...? and why now...?
and the answer came back to me:
why not? why ever not?
and deep down i want to believe
what i've always wanted to believe:
that it's Destiny,
and that God made it so -
God deemed it fit, to give me one more good friend,
to be a comfort, whenever life is a misery;
to be there to listen, when i need a sympathetic ear;
to be my shinning star, when i'm lost, and all alone...?

I'd like to think -
that God gave me a last friend...
But "It's Destiny's Game" -
"when love finally came..."

1 comment:

  1. Even my daughter (also a 'thinker' like her mum) had referred to destiny and fate in determining whether a relationship survives the stormy seas or sinks to the bottom!
    I suppose we all agree that it is man who 'proposes', but God who 'disposes'... so that everything falls into place, like it has been planned, and just waiting to be executed...?
    ... and Destiny is watching us play his game - to his tune...?
