Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Seeking an answer - the plain truth

I've always thrashed things out -
everything - all in the mind,
for i find the truth hard to accept,
or it may hurt,
or might friendship drive away -

Thus, i'd even denied the truth -
if it'll hurt someone;
refused to disclose a fact -
if it'll wake up the sleeping tiger;
and kept all safely locked up in the mind -
and spend sleepless nights, telling my heart,
to hide the true feelings -
lest they bring complications
in others' lives -
as well as mine...


  1. I must say that this a a familiar scenario for people who think too much ... "hidup segan, mati tak mau"?
    ... or perhaps people who live in a society where they have to follow the norms set by man(or a certain group of men?) and it would be taboo or a great sin to deviate the what is 'normal and true'? (perhaps you will be able to find the answer to that question about social norms in my earlier posts - way back in 2009?)

  2. Today, like some other day that happens once in a while - i broke my own goldenrule of keeping my secret feelings to myself, of not telling the truth - if it'll hurt someone, if it'll bring complications, if it's like a poison letter which will bring about a chain reaction and perhaps snowball into a great avalanche...!

    I spilled the beans...and 'confessed' and now i have to face the consequences of my actions...!
